4,778.00€ for Movember

Congratulations to the gentlemen of Vlerick for raising 4,778.00 € for Movember! This makes them the first Belgian team in terms of amount raised. I agree the second and third are individuals but that was also the strategy, I guess: to set up a team to raise more money and to raise more awareness :) Globally, Belgium is amongst the last countries in terms of total amount raised (most probably because its low level of registration – I guess). Congratulations anyway!


Vlerick FTMBA Movember – The Sequel

Following the tradition of video filming at Vlerick, here is the FTMBA students’ movie about Movember! Great job!

Via @adamgarone

Male FTMBA students in Het Nieuwsblad about Movember

A few days ago, Het Nieuwsblad, a Belgian daily newspaper, highlighted the initiative taken by full-time MBA students from Vlerick growing a moustache for Movember (English translation). You probably noticed the increasing number of male students with growing moustaches in Vlerick premises; that’s why! And I think it’s excellent! You’ve also probably seen some of the PTMBA students growing a moustache. But what is Movember?

Het Nieuwsblad Movember FTMBA

During the month of November each year, Movember asks men across the world to grow a moustache with the aim of raising vital funds and awareness for men’s health issues. This November 2011, it’s about prostate cancerProstate cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. In most cases, this cancer is slow-growing, symptom-free, and tends to develop in men over the age of fifty (more info on wikipedia).

When you look a bit further, you find that prostate cancer is in fact “only” the 7th cause of death by cancer (men and women together) and the 4th cause of death by cancer in men only (both in Europe). And, imho, that’s already a good reason why it deserves some highlight. Especially that prevention methods are rather easy (and classical): exercises and a correct diet (and there are no preventative vaccine, not yet). You have a few days left to make your moustache grow …

Number of deaths by cancer types and gender in Europe

Via @Vlerick. Photo credits: Het Nieuwsblad